September 10, 2024 - Tuesday
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Unfortunately - the government is permitted during the Fourth Economic, Social and Cultural Islamic Republic of Iran under the rule of paragraph (b) of Article (13) and Table (7) of the Fourth Economic, Social and Cultural Islamic Republic of Iran 11.06.1383, approved the annual budget laws, ordinances and other legal privileges of the facilities and foreign financial resources (finance) to use. 

Facilities have been used up in 1383 and every year the Fourth Economic, Social and Cultural Islamic Republic of Iran referred to in paragraph (b) Table (7) years after the roof of paragraph (b) Table (7) is added to the program. 

Note - sentences in paragraph (N) Note (2) of the total 1384 budget is Mlghyalasr. 

This Act contains a single article and a note in open session on Wednesday, October one thousand three hundred and eighty-four parliament approved on 08.21.1384 and the single article of the same provision was approved by the Expediency Council .